Within the framework of scientific cooperation between Iraqi universities, the college of law at Samarra University visited the college of law at the University of Baghdad on Sunday, 2024/03/10

The visit began with the holding of the fourth stage students at the college of law and under the supervision of the lecturer (Asst.lect. Duraid Waleed) a virtual court simulates the reality of criminal courts by re-depicting a real case in one of the courts, which resulted in an important judicial ruling that focuses on the conscious application of the law without applying the mechanism of the law and inertia on the words of the text because this will lead in a phenomenon to formal justice and inwardly to unjust judgments.

The museum was visited and viewed the ancient history of the college and its most prominent collections, as well as visiting the library at the college .

The visit concluded with taking a group photo on the monument of Justice quoted from the era of the Amir of the believers, Ali ibn Abi Talib (peace upon him) to Malik al-Ashtar, which embodies the distinction between justice and fairness.

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