Theses for Sustainable Development

Search NameStudent NameSupervisor Name
Penal policy in the field of social solidarity in the Iraqi Penal CodeMaytham Falah Hassan
Crimes of food insecuritySamar Jabbar MawloudAsst. prof. Dr. Qaid Hadi Dahesh
Criminal protection of the auditory environmentMalak Haqqi IsmailProf. Dr.Firas Abdel Moneim Abdullah
International protection of the environment within the renewable environmentAyat Muayad NasserProf. Dr. Mahmoud Khalil Jaafar
International legal protection for conscious food securityRand Adel AbdAsst. Prof. Dr. Lama Abdel-Baqi Mahmoud
International responsibility for natural disasters caused by climate changeRaneen Saeed Abdul qadirProf. Dr. Hadi Naim Khalaf
The right to equal opportunities and its guarantees under the Constitution of the Republic of IraqAmin Mahmoud ShakerAsst. Prof. Dr. Mosaddeq Adel Taleb
The legal system of the competent department for the regulation and protection of water resourcesKarrar Majeed HusseinProf. Dr. Rasha Mohammed Jaafar
The legal system for the protection of working women within the framework of sustainable developmentDmooa Hatem MahmoudProf. Dr. Saba Noman Rashid
The polluter principle pays under international environmental lawRoaa Amer NajmProf. Dr. Hadi Naim Khalaf
Legal protection of the right to a safe work environment for workers in the ionizing radiation sector - a comparative studyRuqayya Abdulredha HassanProf. Saba Noman Rasheed
The principle of prevention in international environmental lawNabba Mohamed NajiProf. Dr. Hadi Naim Khalaf
Towards penal protection of the investment environmentJinan Khudair AbbasProf. Dr.Firas Abdel Moneim Abdullah
Criminal protection of the auditory environment - a comparative studyMalak Haqqi IsmailProf. Dr.Firas Abdel Moneim Abdullah