no title author classificaion
1 an intemational criminal. Court a step to word benjamin b. terenez 341.77
2 hofstra law review chernif bassiouni 341. 77
3 harvard human rights journol... chernif bassiouni 341.77
4 ucla journal of jsiamic and nearester chernif bassiouni 341.214
5 international law and worla order (basic documents) burns h. weston 341
6 international environmental law for the 21 st century ved p. nauda 341. 762
7 international judioal assistance in civil matters. general editor 341.78
8 law lnan emerging global village falk richard 341
9 international geneva year book ludwik dembinski 341
10 state succession in municipal law and international law d.p oconnell 341
11 international dimensions of humanitarian law united nations 341
12 nuclear weapons and contemporary judge nagendra singh. 341.734
13 international buusiness trnsactions raiph. Folsom… 341
14 law yering in the internati onal market general editor 341
15 trilateral perspectives on interational legal issues from theory legal issues thomas j. schopuban 341
16 trilateral perspectives on interational legal issues. michael k, young 341
17 hand book of nafta dispute settement vol.2 raiph. Folsom… 341.5
18 theory and reality in the internatinal protection of human rights j. shand watson 341. 481
19 fact - finding before international trimnak richard bilillich. 341. 55
20 an insiders guide to the international criminal tribunal for the former yogos lavia virgina morris 341. 69
21 an international criminal courl astep to word benjamin b. ferenez 341. 77
22 women and international human rights law (vol1.2.3) kelly d. askin 341. 481
23 introduction to international criminal law m. cherif bassiouni 341. 77
24 international law: process and prospectzwd authory d, amato 341
25 protection of cultaral property maria teresa 341
26 international criminal law couventions and their provisions michei waeibroeck 341. 77
27 humanitarian international an inquiry in to law and morality fermando r. teson 341. 753
28 guide to international human rights practice hurst hannum 341. 481
29 at the edge of the state: indigenous peoples and self determination. maivan clech law 341. 26
30 enforcing international law taw through u.s legislation. elisabeth zoller 341. 58
31 international claims: their settlment by lump sum agreements 1975- 1995 burns h. weston 341. 66
32 clobal law : atripleclhellleng. murielle delmas 341. 6
33 how to complain to the un human rights teaty system anne f. bayefaky 341
34 international environmental law: basic instruments and references. brown weiss 341. 762
35 the iran - united states claims trbunal and the process of international claims. david d, caron 341. 522
36 the lran - united states clams tribunal and the process of international claims richard b - lillich 341. 42
37 international terrorisan maltilater conventions (1937-2001) chernif bassiouni 341. 773
38 hand book of (naft) dispute settement ralph h. folsow 341. 7543
39 post - conflict justice chernif bassiouni 341. 67
40 peaceful usees of international rivers theeuphrates and tigris rivers dispute. hilal elver 341.442
41 surren dering to international criminal courts coutemporary practice and proceduro geert - jan alexander knoops. 341.77
42 state soverighty and in the national crimimal lawmversaills to rome jackson nyamuya 341. 26
43 international crimes peace and human rights dimanshettor 341.77
44 the law of piracy al fred rubinp 341.772
45 preferred futures for the united nations saul h. mend lovitz 341. 231
46 the human right to itizenship yoffa zil bershats, 341. 482
47 international organizations and internal dispute sett lement trends laurcnce boissande 341. 523
48 law in an emerging lobal village apost westphalian perspective richard falk 341
49 administrative and rxpert monitoring of international treaties paul c. szasz 341. 37
50 united nations general in oun changing world blaone sloan 341. 2322
51 the future of interational human rights. burns h. weston 341. 481
52 an international restatement of contract law of international commereial. michael. Jachim. 341. 753
53 consent and commitenent in tbe world community the classification and lysis of international instruments douglas m- johnston. 341. 37
54 selected essays on understanding international institutions and the legistutive process paul c. szasz 341
55 internat arbitration in the (21 st) centurty to wards judicia lizton and uniformity sokd colloauium 341.522
56 internattional employment law the multinaional emoloyer and the global work force chistah t, campbell 341.306
57 privatizing peace : form conflict to security allan garson 341.73
58 buisness associations agency partnerships and corpoations. william a. klein 341.753
59 the legal ethical and international environment of business. herbert m. baldawin 341.754
60 internation civil dispute resolution: aprob lem-oriented course book charles s. baldwin 341.5
61 internation law frameworles david j. bederman 341.231
62 anti-personnel mines under humanitarn law : a view from the vanishing point. stuart moslem 341.48
63 incoflict and order: understanding society. stanley eitzen 341.5
64 IUS gentian challenges to security council mon0ply power over the use of force in enforceme ationsjames e, hickey james e. hickey 341.231
65 human rights on budsmar mataz hauzek 341.41
66 sentencing sauctions and corrections (zed) miches n. kitteir 341
67 the princeton principals on universal juries diction (program in la and public affairs). stephen macedo 341.79
68 alabama rules of court west group 341
69 indaginesui criminal guerra nellex jugo lavie chernif bassiouni 341
70 internationl civil dispute resolution charles s. baldwin 342.5
71 amannual on international human arian law and arms control agreements m. cherif bassiouni 341. 733026
72 crminalocedure law of the peooples repub lie of china law press china 342.77925
73 lacorte penale international e. zechina pablo 341. 23
74 dissent in the supreme court percival e jackson 341
75 the international criminl trbunal for the former rachel kerr 341.7791497
76 crimes in vrbbanja in july, 1993 muharem krebs 342. 485
77 internationl law and the use of force christine grey 341. 366
78 interational criminal law cherif bassiouni
79 english for the students of international law far had moshfeghi 341
80 english for the students of criminal law criminology far had moshfeghi 341
81 de legating state powers the effect of treay yegimes on democracy and siverighty thomas m. franck 342. 730412
82 constiuional law john e, nowak 342
83 constituional law of achanging america: rights liberties and justice lee e. pstein 342. 7308502
84 international human rights litgation in u.s courts beth stephens 342. 73088
85 comparative constituion law vicki c, jackson 342. 053
86 the constitution the islamic republic of iran 342
87 gross - border trade and investment with mexico natal new rules of the game t. von marten 343. 720887..
88 international dimensions law denis campbell 343.6877..
89 the law of piracy communication kent r. middleton 343.7330998
90 key cases in the law of public communication kent r. middleton 343.7330998
91 international environmental law. alexanderckiss dined 344.o46
92 health law: cass materials and problebs, barry r. furrow 344. 73047
93 problems in health crre law. robert d. miller 344. 7303211
94 psychology psychiatry and the law : clinical and forensic hand book. charles patrick ewing 344. 43
95 study guide to accompany wets legal environment of business text: cases ethical regulatory, international and ecommerce issuse. roger leroy miller 344. 046
96 environmental law and policy: statutory and regulatory supplement. richard l. rarest. 344. 046
97 the protection of human rights in the administration of criminal justice, cherif bassiouni 345. 05
98 business law and cases. rate a, howell. 345.0268
99 evaluating competencies. thomas grisso. 345. 7304
100 crime and crimino logy snetitus reid 345. 02364
101 gritical issues in policin poger. G 345.997
102 psycho logy and america law curt r. bartol 345.0019
103 quest sosial. Justice and diversity 345. 052
104 enghlish for the students of criminnnal law and criminology far had moshfeghi 345
105 actual official last preptests. law school admission council 340. 57
106 actual official last preptests. aviazrieli esq 340. 02373
107 your lawyer on ashort. aviazrieli esq 340. 02373
108 selected essays on the conflict of laws. eriedrich k 340. 2
109 interrnational legal bibliographie awor lawide guide and critiaue. jorgen christoph. 016. 0134
110 in. modern bondage sex traffickingin the american national regional david gainn 306. 7409728
111 minoritics in the balkans vladimir ortakovsk 305. 89496
112 trade and the developing word in the 21 s st. century frank j. garcid 174
113 the capita liat system second edition richard c. edards 330, 973092
114 introduction to internation political economy david n. balaam 337
115 securities litigaton and enforcement danna m. nagy 348
116 internation to forencic sciences. william g. eckert 616. 0199
117 the management challenge last er c. thurow 658. 0052
118 mastern documentaion second edition h. nacy holmes 610. 73
119 annual editiions business ethice john e. richardson 174. 4
120 psycholgy today: an hntroduction richardson holme 150
121 psychology : an the new millennium. ted buchholz 150
122 compitalist essentiats. 2002-2003. timothy oleary 4
123 advantage series: moffie glen j. cou (thard) 001. 6425
124 the practice of soclal research. earcbabbie 300. 72
125 microsoft office 2000 - professionnl. roy ageloff 001. 6425
126 occupational rectification for boar environ moment form noises. d. sba. N. r ached 320
127 global issues in intel actual property law john. Cross 336. 692
128 tubulent peace the challenges of managing interational coflict chester a. crocker 327. 17
129 unitednations sanctions management: acase of the iraq sanctions committee (1990-1994) paol conlon 353. 13
130 basic of the interational system of custors and tariffs g. gregovy lett 382. 7
131 tow treatises of government john. Locke 321
132 forced displacement and human security in the foemen sovietuniou law and poliey arthur c. helton 325. 2109470904
133 media and conf liet eytan gil boa 070. 4332
134 an international regiime for marine scientific research… david harris 338. 76094
135 international legal bibliographie aworldwide guide and critiaue jueren christoph 016. 01634
136 international commercial arbitration: american principles and practice inag lobal context. jack j. cie 347. 739
137 acieving in lusionary govemance advancig peace and development in first and third wold nations. terrnce edward 321. 8
138 american fedra lism and pubic policy thomas j. anton 321. 020973
139 poltitical seience rayed 320
140 american public policy: promise and preformance. b. guy peters. 320. 60973
141 comparativepolitics college success 320. 3
142 sources of twentieth century europe marvin perry 320. 940
143 economics second waiter j. wesswle 330
144 suing forogh governments and their coporations. josh. W. dellapenna 340. 9
145 international conf lict of law for the third millennium essays in honr of friedrch k. juenger. paurck j. borchers 340. 9
146 searching the law zed francis r. boyle 340. 072073
147 the social context of law sheryl j. grana 340. 115
148 europe union law: selected documments george a. bermann 340. 940
149 the american journey: united states history through letters and diaries. marsha c. markman 340. 6
150 in iraq dowment companion chibll mallatl 340
151 conmmercial and investment law (latin america) vol. 2 andrea bonne blanc 346.807
152 international joint tenures mergers and acquisitions general editor 346.0682
153 international project fiance denis campbell 346.023
154 international project fiance denis campbell 346.092
155 equitable law of contracts standards and principles larry demotte 346. 0201
156 the law of corporations of corporations partnerships and sole proprietorships. angeta schneeman 346. 73065
157 business law and the lagal environment darryl l. webb 346. 07
158 corporations and other business association: cases and materials. charles r.t. ley 346. 07
159 business organizations cases problems and case studies gordon smith 346. 73065
160 corporations law and economics. stephen m. bainbridge 346.066
161 corpations and other business enterpises: cases and materials. thomas lee hazen 346. 73066
162 economicy reading in english maya. G. najar 346
163 civil procedure and context stephen sabrina 346
164 uniform law for interntinal sales under the 1980 united nations convention. john o. hnnold 346. 06 h. 769
165 arbitration of international business disputes william w. park 346. 09 p221
166 arbitration international & comparative perspctives. loukas a. m. stelis 346. 07 m. 678
167 commentary on the un the convention on the international sale of goods (ccisg) ingbor schwenzer 346. 072 s. 412
168 international commercial arbitration. gary b. born 346. 07 g. 726
169 comparative international commercial arbitration. julian. D mlew 346. 07 l. 662
170 international commercial arbitration. gary b. born 346. 07 b. 726
171 the draft uncitral digest and beyond franco. Ferrari 346. 065 f. 368
172 law and practice of international commercial arbitration. alan. Redfern 346. 07 r. 312
173 the international sale goods. michael. Bridge. 346. 072 b. 851
174 contracts for the sale of goods acomparison of u.s and international law henry deeb gabriel 346. 072 g. 112
175 un convention on contracts for international sale of goods. stefan kroll 346. 09 k. 89
176 international commercial arbitration w. michael. Reisman 346. 07 r. 347
177 international commercial arbitration w. michael. Reisman 346. 07 r.347
178 acomprtive study of homicide law and home killing in iraq and anerica. sphar f. najeed 364
179 supervising police perssonnel the fifteen responsibities lindas miller 363. 2
180 arms control and the environment. lakshman d. gurus amy 363. 7
181 essental criminology mark m. lanier 364
182 isis: international institute of higher studies in criminal scienes m. cherif bassiouni 364. 23
183 the administrtion and management crimnal justice organizations stan stogkovic 364. 106
184 criminological theory francis t. cullen 364
185 research methods in criminal justice and criminology francis t. 364. 072
186 controlling unlawful organizational behavior social structure and corporate criminal justice. diane vaughan 364. 106073
187 leading constitutional cases on criminal justice lloyd l. weiner 364. 342
188 criminological: the core larry j. siegel 364
189 the american system of criminal justice. george f.cole 364
190 partial justice: women prisons and social control nicole hahn 365. 430973
191 prison in crisis william l. seiko 365. 973
192 creating america reading and writing arguments edition joyce moser 808. 0427
193 western civilization jack son j. spiel vogel 909. 09821
194 perspectives on the european norman f. cantor 940
195 for the record doumentary history of america david e. site 973
196 human rights on women rebecca cook 323. 32
197 modes and patterns of social control: imp lications for human rights poolicy 323. 092
198 eliminating violenee against chil dren andrea b. johnsson 323. 4
199 eliminating the worst forms of child labour andrea b. johnsson 323. 49
200 towards imp lementing universal human righs nisuke, ando 323. 42
201 human rights policing ralph, crawshaw 323.5
202 the dynamics of corporate social responsibi lities radu, mares 323.3
203 essential texts on human rights for the police ralph, crawshaw 323.6
204 the center for international legal studies 346. 016
205 discusing women s empowerment anne, sisask 323. 32
206 genderware - the council of europe and the particicpation of women in plitical life mariette, sineau 323.3
207 irregular migration migrant smugg ling and human rights: towards conherenec. 323.5
208 taking duties seriously: individual dutises in international rights law 323.6
209 crime , publie order and human rights 323.48
210 the rights to astlum between islamie shariah and international refugee law wafa, ahmed 341. 486
211 when legal worlds overlap: human rights stste and non - law 341.4
212 international to the international human rights reime manfred, nowak 341. 48
213 the new core international human rights united, nation 341. 7
214 human rights of women rebeca 323. 32
215 modes and patterns of social control: imp lications for human rights poolicy 323. 092
216 eliminating violenee against chil dren anders b. johnsson 323. 4
217 towards imp lementing universal human righs nisuke, ando 323. 42
218 human righs and policing ralph, crawshaw 323. 5
219 the dvnamies of corporate social responsibi lities radu, mares 323. 3
220 essential texts on human rights for the police ralph, crawshaw 323. 6
221 the center for international legal studies 346. 016
222 discussing women s empowerment anne sisask 323. 32
223 genderware - the council of europe and the particicpation of women in plitical life mariette, sineau 323. 5
224 irregular migration migrant smugg ling and human rights: towards conherenec. 323. 1
225 taking duties seriously: individual dutises in international rights law 323. 6
226 crime public order and human rights 323. 48
227 the rights to astlum between islamie shariah and international refugee law wafa, ahmed 341. 486
228 when legal worlds overlap: human rights stste and non - law 341. 4
229 international to the international human rights reime manfred, nowak 341. 48
230 the new core international human rights united, nation 341. 7
231 human rights of women rebecca 323. 32
232 modes and patterns of social control: imp lications for human rights poolicy 323. 092
233 eliminating violenee against chil dren anders b. johnsson 323.4
234 eliminating the worst forms of child labour anders b. johnsson 323.49
235 towards imp lementing universal human righs nisuke, ando 323. 42
236 human rights and policing ralph crawshaw 323. 5
237 the dynamics of corporate social responsibi lities ralph, mares 323. 3
238 essential texts on human rights for the police ralph, crawshaw 323. 6
239 the center for international legal studies 346. 016
240 discussing women s empowerment anne sisask 323. 32
241 genderware - the council of europe and the particicpation of women in plitical life mariette, sineau 323. 5
242 irregular migration migrant smugg ling and human rights: towards conherenec. 323. 1
243 taking duties seriously: individual dutises in international rights law 323. 6
244 crime public order and human rights 323. 48