The psychological counseling and educational guidance unit at the college of Law, University of Baghdad, held a seminar entitled (disciplinary penalties for students), presented by the lecturer in the Criminal Law (Asst. lect. Jalila Ghadban) On Sunday 2024/3/24 in the building of the college of law.

The seminar included several topics, including what the punishment is and its main objectives, disciplinary penalties for students according to law no. 160 for a year 2007.

The seminar came up with several recommendations, the most important of which is to oblige students in general to comply within the university campus in a way that does not violate the system and public morals, and the need to put an article in the student discipline law that includes avoiding cheating in a clear way, and the need for the period of suspension of the dismissal decision on the bulletin board for at least 30 day in order to allow the student to object to the dismissal decision for a sufficient period.

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