The Public Law at the college of Law, University of Baghdad, held a seminar entitled (Alecso Science gate), delivered by the lecturer at the Public Law (Asst.lect. Russul Hussein Hassan), on Wednesday 2024/3/20 in the college building.

The seminar aims to introduce the Alecso Science gate and show how to create a special page for each researcher and academic and link it with their other pages on other science portals such as Research Gate, Google Scholar, ORCID, Scopus, as well as social networking sites Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others.

The seminar included several axes, the first axis dealt with the introduction of the Alecso Science gate, the second axis explained the goals of the gate, which is to develop the skills of researchers registered in the gate, while the third axis dealt with the applied aspect, which is to define the registration work in the gate and how to create an account in it.

The symposium came up with several recommendations, the most important of which is the need to guide professors, researchers and post- graduate students to register on the Alecso Science gate in order to invest its services and potential in the field of scientific research.

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