The University of Baghdad/ college of law discussed the doctoral dissertation in the criminal law of the student (Imad Fadel rkab), entitled by (criminal causing in the Iraqi and comparative Penal Code), on Thursday, 2023/11/09 at the conference hall at the college.

The dissertation aims to define the concept of criminal causation in terms of its meaning, features and elements and determine the provisions of criminal causation in the light of jurisprudence and the penal law and the importance of research in criminal causation is the correlation of the responsibility of the Causer with the causal link, which has raised and continues to raise many problems and difficulties in identifying and assessing.

The dissertation included two chapters, the first chapter dealt with the concept of criminal causation and the second chapter the provisions of criminal causation.

The dissertation came up with several recommendations, the most important of which was proposed to the Iraqi legislator to define criminal causation as one of the terms with a fixed meaning and unchangeable and evolving, and suggested amending the wording of Article (28) Iraqi penalties by replacing the term of the material element with the real one for the purpose of accommodating the moral and negative act, and also proposed to reformulate both Article (47) and (48) Iraqi penalties, and the cancellation of Article (49) of the present partner.

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